15 Top Sales Enablement Tools for Optimizing Performance in 2024

Shubham Aggarwal Bliro.io
Shubham Aggarwal
April 25, 2024
5 min read
15 Top Sales Enablement Tools for Optimizing Performance in 2024

The role of sales enablement tools has never been more critical to the complete sales function of your org. These tools aren’t just enhancements to the process; they’re essential gears in the machinery of modern sales strategies, enabling teams to navigate the complexities of today's market dynamics with ease and efficiency.

As we stand on the threshold of 2024, it’s clear that the traditional sales playbook has been rewritten. The digital age demands agility, precision, and above all, a deep understanding of customer needs and behaviors. Enter sales enablement tools, the linchpins in this new era of sales. They serve not just as bridges connecting sales and marketing teams but as conduits for seamless, personalized customer journeys that drive conversions and foster loyalty.

Understanding Sales Enablement Tools

At their core, sales enablement tools are designed to empower sales teams with the right information, content, and insights at the right time. They streamline the sales process, making it more efficient and effective. From content management systems that ensure sales reps have access to up-to-date, relevant materials, to CRM integrations that offer insights into customer interactions, these tools are the backbone of a successful sales strategy.

Definition and Core Functions

Sales enablement tools are more than just software solutions. They are the strategic backbone of a successful sales operation, integrating data analysis, content management, and customer interaction insights into a cohesive framework. Their core functions revolve around equipping sales teams with the necessary resources to engage prospects effectively, fostering a more informed and personalized sales approach.

Benefits for Sales Teams

The benefits of implementing these tools are manifold. Sales teams become more agile, with access to a treasure trove of analytics and data-driven insights that inform their sales strategies. Content is tailored and timely, ensuring that customer engagements are meaningful and impactful. In essence, sales enablement tools not only boost sales productivity but also enhance the customer experience, creating a win-win scenario for businesses and their clients.

The Role of Sales Enablement Tools in Modern Sales Strategies

In the digital age, the line between sales and marketing has blurred. Sales enablement tools play a pivotal role in aligning these two functions, ensuring that sales strategies are not only informed by data-driven insights but also supported by marketing content that resonates with the target audience.

Aligning Sales and Marketing Efforts

The integration of sales enablement tools facilitates a seamless flow of information between sales and marketing teams. This synergy ensures that marketing efforts are directly translated into sales opportunities, with content that is both relevant and aligned with the sales pipeline stages.

Enhancing Customer Engagement and Experience

Customer experience is king. Sales enablement platforms enable sales teams to deliver personalized, engaging content to prospects, nurturing leads and building relationships that transcend transactional interactions. By leveraging insights from these tools, sales reps can anticipate customer needs and tailor their approach accordingly, significantly enhancing the buying experience.

Data-Driven Sales Decisions

Gone are the days of intuition-led sales. The future is data-driven, with sales enablement tools providing the analytics and insights necessary for informed decision-making. From identifying promising leads to understanding customer behavior patterns, these tools offer a roadmap to sales success, grounded in empirical data.

Key Features to Look for in Sales Enablement Tools

Selecting the right sales enablement tools for your organization is a critical decision. With a plethora of options available, focusing on key features that align with your sales strategy is imperative.

- Content Management and Accessibility

An efficient sales enablement tool should offer robust content management capabilities, ensuring that sales materials are easily accessible, up-to-date, and relevant. The ability to customize and distribute content dynamically across various channels is a hallmark of an effective platform.

- Integration with CRM and Other Sales Technologies

A critical aspect of sales enablement tools is their ability to integrate seamlessly with existing CRM systems and other sales technologies. This integration is pivotal for maintaining a unified view of customer interactions and ensuring that all sales activities are tracked and aligned with overall business goals.

  • Seamless integration ensures that sales reps have access to comprehensive customer profiles, including past interactions, preferences, and purchase history, enabling them to tailor their sales pitches more effectively.
  • By syncing with CRM platforms, sales enablement tools can automate data entry, freeing up sales reps to focus on selling rather than administrative tasks. This streamlined workflow not only boosts productivity but also enhances the accuracy of sales forecasting.

- Analytics and Performance Tracking

The ability to track performance and analyze sales activity is indispensable. Sales enablement tools equipped with advanced analytics features offer a window into the effectiveness of sales strategies, enabling managers to make informed decisions and adjust tactics in real-time.

  • Analytics provide insights into which content pieces are most engaging for prospects, allowing marketing teams to refine their content strategy accordingly.
  • Performance tracking enables sales leaders to identify top performers and areas where other team members may need additional support or training, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

- Training and Onboarding Capabilities

As sales landscapes evolve, so too must the skills and knowledge of sales teams. Sales enablement tools with built-in training and onboarding capabilities ensure that sales reps are always up-to-date on the latest products, services, and sales methodologies.

  • Interactive training modules and assessments can be tailored to individual learning paths, ensuring that each sales rep receives the support they need to succeed.
  • The ability to track training progress and measure knowledge retention helps sales leaders to identify gaps in understanding and address them promptly, ensuring that the entire team is equipped to meet their targets.

- Scalability and Customization

Finally, as businesses grow, their sales enablement needs will inevitably change. Choosing tools that are both scalable and customizable ensures that your sales enablement strategy can adapt alongside your business.

  • Scalability ensures that the platform can handle an increasing volume of users and data without compromising performance.
  • Customization allows businesses to tailor the platform to their unique sales processes and workflows, ensuring that the tool remains relevant and effective as the company evolves.

Choosing the Right Sales Enablement Tool for Your Business

Selecting the appropriate sales enablement tool is crucial for enhancing your team's productivity and achieving sales targets. However, with the myriad of options available, making this choice can be daunting. Here are some steps to guide your decision-making process:

Assessing Your Sales Process Needs

Begin by understanding the specific challenges and opportunities within your sales process. Identify areas where your team excels and where there is room for improvement. This assessment will help you determine which features are most critical for your sales enablement tool.

Considering Your Team’s Size and Structure

The size and structure of your sales team play a significant role in selecting the right tool. Larger teams may require more robust platforms with extensive collaboration features, while smaller teams might benefit from more streamlined, user-friendly solutions.

Evaluating Tool Scalability and Integration Capabilities

It's essential to choose a tool that not only meets your current needs but can also grow with your business. Evaluate each tool's scalability and its ability to integrate with other systems and technologies used by your sales and marketing teams.

Understanding Pricing and ROI

Finally, consider the pricing structure of each tool and assess the potential return on investment. The right sales enablement tool should offer value that far exceeds its cost, contributing to increased sales efficiency and effectiveness.

Top Sales Enablement Tools and Software for 2024

1. Salesloft


Salesloft is a dynamic sales engagement platform designed to help sales teams drive more revenue and increase customer satisfaction. It offers a comprehensive suite of features aimed at optimizing the entire sales process, from lead generation to deal closure. By facilitating more personalized communication and providing actionable insights into sales activities, Salesloft enables sales professionals to build stronger relationships with their prospects and customers.

Key Features

  • Sales Engagement: Automates various stages of the sales process to ensure consistent communication with prospects.
  • Cadence Management: Helps in organizing and prioritizing sales activities for efficiency.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Offers detailed insights into sales performance and customer engagement metrics.
  • Email and Call Integration: Seamlessly integrates email and calling within the platform for easy outreach.


Some users find the platform's interface a bit overwhelming initially, and there may be a learning curve involved in mastering its extensive functionalities.

Integrations and Pricing

Salesloft integrates with popular CRM systems like Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics. Pricing is not listed publicly and requires contacting Salesloft directly for a custom quote.

G2 Rating:


2. Bliro.io: The only AI Meeting tool in the list with NO BOTS in the meeting

Bliro - World's only bot-free AI Meeting Assistant. Transcribe, Summarize and Push


Bliro shines as a trailblazer in meeting assistance, offering a suite of features that enhance meeting productivity discreetly. Its ability to transcribe, summarize, and integrate data directly into CRMs without ever being visible during meetings sets a new standard for privacy and efficiency.

Moreover, you don’t have to integrate bliro with any of your meeting tools. Bliro is an app that works on your desktop, recognizes when and where meetings are going on, and most importantly, taps the direct audio source on the device to transcribe.

Key Features

  • NO BOTS (Invisible): Uniquely operates without detection during meetings, ensuring privacy and eliminating distractions.
  • GDPR Compliant WITHOUT having to ask for Consent: Adheres strictly to data protection laws, offering a solution that does not “record” your conversations but translates and summarises it in real-time instead. You never have to ask for consent again!
  • Real-Time Transcription and Summarization: Utilizes GPT-4 and the latest AI audio-transcription models to provide immediate, accurate transcriptions and concise summaries, capturing the essence and action items of every discussion.
  • CRM Integration: Automates the flow of meeting outcomes into CRMs like Salesforce and Hubspot, streamlining sales and customer service processes.

Unique Selling Point

Bliro coupled with real-time transcribing capabilities without audio capture provides a blend of privacy and productivity unmatched in the market. It is the only AI Meeting Assistant that does not have a bot in the meeting.

Integration and Pricing

Integrates seamlessly with major CRM platforms and offers flexible pricing to suit various organizational needs, with detailed plans available upon request.


G2 - 4.8/5 rating

Capterra - n/a (new listings)

3. Cloze


Cloze acts as a smart personal CRM and relationship management platform that streamlines email, phone calls, and social media interactions into one unified system. It's designed to help professionals manage their business relationships more effectively, providing a comprehensive view of contacts and automating routine tasks. Cloze uses artificial intelligence to remind users of important follow-ups and organizes data based on the strength of relationship ties, making it easier to prioritize communications.

Key Features

  • Smart AI: Automatically organizes contacts, emails, calls, and social media interactions.
  • Reminder System: Proactively prompts follow-ups and important email responses.
  • Relationship Management: Keeps track of interaction history and relationship strength with each contact.
  • Unified Inbox: Aggregates communications across platforms for streamlined management.


Cloze's heavy reliance on AI might not capture every nuance of personal interactions, potentially overlooking less frequent but significant contacts.

Integrations and Pricing

Integrates with various email platforms, social media, and productivity tools. Pricing starts at $17/month per user for the Pro version, with more advanced features available at higher tiers.

G2 Rating:


4. Gong


Gong is a revenue intelligence platform leveraging AI to capture and analyze customer interactions across calls, emails, and web conferences. It provides sales teams with insights into what's working and identifies areas for improvement. Gong's technology helps organizations understand their market better, streamline sales processes, and increase revenue by offering real-time recommendations and coaching to sales reps.

Key Features

  • Conversation Intelligence: Analyzes sales calls and meetings to provide actionable feedback.
  • Deal Intelligence: Offers visibility into deal progress and potential roadblocks.
  • Coaching and Development: Uses AI to provide personalized coaching suggestions for sales representatives.
  • Market Intelligence: Gathers customer feedback across interactions to inform product and marketing strategies.


Some users may find the depth of data overwhelming and the platform requires a commitment to regular use to derive full value.

Integrations and Pricing

Gong integrates with popular sales and marketing platforms. Contact Gong directly for pricing information.

G2 Rating

Has an impressive G2 rating of 4.7/5.

5. EngageBay


EngageBay integrates CRM, marketing automation, and customer service into a single, affordable platform for small to medium businesses. It streamlines key business processes, enabling companies to capture, nurture, and convert leads more effectively while ensuring a seamless customer experience across all touchpoints.

Key Features

  • All-in-One CRM: Manages customer interactions across all stages, ensuring a cohesive approach to sales, marketing, and customer service.
  • Marketing Automation: Automates lead generation and nurturing processes to improve conversion rates and marketing efficiency.
  • Sales Pipeline Management: Provides tools for effectively managing the sales pipeline, helping to close deals faster.


  • Some users report the platform's advanced features may lack the depth of specialized standalone systems.
  • The wide array of features may present a learning curve for those new to integrated business platforms.

Integrations and Pricing

Offers extensive compatibility with email, social media, and other essential business tools, enhancing operational coherence. Features a free version; premium plans start at $12.74/user/month for additional functionality.

G2 Rating


6. Mindtickle


Mindtickle's sales readiness platform is designed to maximize sales team performance by ensuring they are adequately trained, coached, and equipped with the necessary skills to meet their sales targets. The platform provides a comprehensive approach to sales enablement, from onboarding new hires to optimizing the skills of seasoned sales professionals.

Key Features

  • Sales Readiness Framework: Accelerates new hire ramp-up and enhances the skill set of existing team members.
  • Microlearning and Gamification: Engages sales reps in continuous learning through interactive, competitive content.
  • Analytics and Insights: Offers detailed feedback on training effectiveness and individual sales performance.


  • Requires a commitment to learning the platform to utilize its full suite of features effectively.
  • May be more comprehensive than necessary for smaller sales teams.

Integrations and Pricing

Offers deep integration with CRM systems, providing enriched sales data with readiness insights. Utilizes a custom pricing strategy tailored to the needs and size of the sales organization.

G2 Rating


7. Outreach


Outreach is a premier sales engagement platform designed to help sales teams automate and personalize their communication efforts at scale. The platform’s strength lies in its ability to increase the productivity of sales teams by optimizing every aspect of the sales process, from prospecting to closing deals. With Outreach, companies can ensure their sales strategies are both efficient and effective, fostering better relationships and driving more sales.

Key Features

  • Sequence Planning: Automates outreach efforts, ensuring consistent and personalized communication with prospects across various channels.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Provides deep insights into sales activities, enabling teams to refine strategies for maximum impact.
  • Email and Call Integration: Integrates seamlessly with email and calling platforms, simplifying outreach efforts directly from the system.


  • Some users find the platform initially complex, requiring time to fully leverage its capabilities.
  • The extensive feature set might overwhelm smaller sales teams or those with simpler sales processes.

Integrations and Pricing

Robust integration with CRM platforms like Salesforce, ensuring a seamless workflow between sales activities and customer data management. Custom pricing model; interested customers need to contact Outreach directly for a quote.

G2 Rating


8. ClickUp


ClickUp transcends traditional sales enablement by offering a versatile project management platform that integrates sales tasks, documents, goals, and communication into a single workspace. Its customizable features allow sales teams to adapt the platform to their workflow, enhancing collaboration and efficiency. With ClickUp, sales professionals have a comprehensive tool to manage their sales pipeline, monitor progress, and collaborate on deals in real-time.

Key Features

  • Customizable Workspaces: Tailor the platform to fit your sales team’s specific needs, workflows, and preferences.
  • CRM Functionality: Manage contacts and deals within ClickUp, keeping track of every interaction and sales activity.
  • Real-Time Collaboration: Team members can work together seamlessly, sharing updates, files, and feedback instantly.


  • Due to its wide array of features, there can be a significant learning curve for new users.
  • The mobile app may not offer all the functionalities available on the desktop version.

Integrations and Pricing

Extensive integration capabilities with over 1,000 tools, including CRM, email marketing platforms, and more. Offers a generous Free Forever plan; paid plans start at $5/user/month, providing additional features and capabilities.

G2 Rating


9. Ambition


Ambition is a sales management platform that focuses on enhancing sales team performance through gamification, coaching, and insights. It provides sales leaders with the tools needed to motivate their teams, track progress against goals, and drive accountability. Ambition transforms sales data into actionable insights, helping organizations to recognize achievements, identify coaching opportunities, and ultimately increase sales productivity.

Key Features

  • Sales Gamification: Motivates teams with contests, leaderboards, and achievement recognition.
  • Coaching and Insights: Offers a structured framework for coaching, alongside actionable insights derived from sales data.
  • Goal Tracking: Enables sales teams to set, monitor, and manage individual and team sales goals effectively.


  • Some users have reported a desire for more customization options within the gamification features.
  • Integrating and syncing with certain CRMs can be challenging and may require additional configuration.

Integrations and Pricing

Compatible with major CRM systems, ensuring that sales data flows seamlessly into Ambition for real-time analysis and reporting. Ambition requires contacting their sales team directly for pricing information, as it depends on the size of the team and the scope of features needed.

G2 Rating


10. Fireflies.ai


Fireflies.ai is an AI-driven platform designed to automate the transcription and analysis of meetings across various video conferencing platforms. It enables sales teams to focus on the conversation without worrying about taking notes, as Fireflies.ai captures and organizes meeting details for easy access and follow-up. This tool significantly enhances productivity and ensures no critical information is lost or overlooked. It includes, however, a bot that joins your meetings to record them. If you want an AI meeting assistant without bots though, visit Bliro.

Key Features

  • Automated Transcription: Provides accurate, real-time transcriptions of meetings, making it easy to capture and revisit discussions.
  • Meeting Analytics: Analyzes conversations to highlight key points, decisions, and action items, offering insights into sales interactions.
  • Integration with Conferencing Tools: Seamlessly works with popular video conferencing platforms, providing flexibility in how sales teams conduct their meetings.


  • The accuracy of transcriptions can vary, especially with poor audio quality or in conversations with technical jargon.
  • Some users may experience a learning curve in navigating and optimizing the use of analytical features.

Integrations and Pricing

Compatible with a wide range of video conferencing tools and CRM systems, enhancing workflow and data capture. Offers a free plan for basic use; paid plans start at $10/user/month, which include advanced features and more comprehensive analytics.

G2 Rating


11. Seismic


Seismic is a leading sales enablement platform that delivers personalized content at scale, enabling sales teams to engage buyers more effectively throughout the buying process. By aligning sales and marketing efforts, Seismic ensures that sales reps have access to the right content at the right time, significantly impacting buyer engagement and sales success. Its analytics tools further allow teams to measure content effectiveness and optimize their sales strategies accordingly.

Key Features

  • Content Management: Organizes sales content in an easily accessible manner, tailored to different stages of the buyer's journey.
  • Personalization at Scale: Dynamically personalizes content for individual prospects, enhancing engagement and relevance.
  • Sales Analytics: Provides detailed insights into how content is being used and its impact on sales, helping to refine and improve sales collateral.


  • The platform's extensive features require a dedicated onboarding process for sales teams to fully utilize its capabilities.
  • Some users may find the cost higher than other solutions, especially smaller organizations.

Integrations and Pricing

Offers robust integration with CRM systems and marketing tools, ensuring a seamless flow of information and content. Pricing information is not publicly available; interested businesses must contact Seismic directly for a customized quote.

G2 Rating


12. Highspot


Highspot provides a powerful sales enablement platform that uses AI to enhance how sales teams engage with prospects through content. It offers content management, sales guidance, and buyer engagement tools designed to improve sales effectiveness. Highspot's advanced analytics give visibility into content usage and effectiveness, empowering sales and marketing teams to optimize their resources for maximum impact.

Key Features

  • Content Optimization: Empowers teams with AI-driven insights to ensure the right content reaches the right prospect at the right time.
  • Guided Selling: Offers actionable recommendations and sales plays to navigate sales conversations effectively.
  • Engagement Analytics: Tracks how prospects interact with content, providing valuable insights for follow-up strategies and content refinement.


  • The platform's breadth and depth can initially overwhelm new users, necessitating comprehensive training.
  • Advanced analytics and AI features may require a strategic approach to fully leverage their benefits.

Integrations and Pricing

Integrates seamlessly with major CRM platforms and marketing automation tools, enriching the sales ecosystem with valuable content insights. Highspot’s pricing details are tailored to each organization's specific needs, requiring direct contact for a quote.

G2 Rating


13. SalesRabbit


SalesRabbit optimizes the workflow for field sales teams, enhancing productivity and effectiveness in door-to-door and outside sales environments. The platform offers a comprehensive suite of tools designed to improve lead tracking, sales processes, and team management. With SalesRabbit, companies can empower their sales teams with the data, insights, and resources needed to close deals more efficiently and grow their customer base.

Key Features

  • Lead Management and Tracking: Streamlines the process of capturing and organizing leads, ensuring sales teams can follow up effectively.
  • Digital Sales Presentations: Allows for the creation and display of engaging sales presentations directly within the app.
  • Territory Management: Provides tools for assigning and managing territories, ensuring optimal coverage and minimizing overlap.


  • Some users have reported challenges with GPS tracking accuracy and map functionality.
  • The mobile app’s performance can vary, depending on the device and operating system.

Integrations and Pricing

Integrates with popular CRM systems to synchronize sales data and activities. Offers a basic free version; premium features are available through subscription plans, which start at $25/month per user.

G2 Rating


14. Dialpad


Dialpad offers a cloud communications platform that unifies voice, video, messages, and meetings across devices. It’s designed for the modern workforce, enabling sales teams to connect and collaborate from anywhere. With its AI-driven insights and seamless integrations, Dialpad enhances sales communications, making it easier for teams to reach their targets and provide exceptional customer experiences.

Key Features

  • AI-Powered Call Insights: Offers real-time call transcriptions and post-call summaries, providing actionable insights.
  • Unified Communications: Integrates voice, video, SMS, and online meetings in a single platform.
  • Scalability: Easily scales to accommodate teams of any size, from small businesses to large enterprises.


  • Some advanced features and integrations are available only on higher-tier plans.
  • Users may experience a learning curve to fully utilize all available functionalities.

Integrations and Pricing

Robust integrations with CRM systems, productivity apps, and other essential business tools. Starts at $15/user/month for the Standard plan, with more advanced features and integrations available in higher-tier plans.

G2 Rating


15. Showpad


Showpad combines content management, training and coaching, and engagement analytics into a single sales enablement platform. It’s designed to align sales and marketing efforts, ensuring sales teams have access to the most effective and up-to-date content. With Showpad, companies can increase sales productivity, improve buyer interactions, and boost overall sales effectiveness.

Key Features

  • Content Management: Organizes sales materials in an intuitive, easily accessible manner.
  • Sales Training and Coaching: Provides tools for onboarding, training, and continuously developing sales talent.
  • Engagement Analytics: Delivers insights into how prospects engage with content, enabling sales reps to tailor their follow-up strategies.


  • The platform requires initial setup and ongoing management to keep content organized and up-to-date.
  • Some users report the need for more customization options in content presentation and layout.

Integrations and Pricing

Offers integrations with CRM platforms, email tools, and other sales productivity software. Contact Showpad for customized pricing based on the size of your team and required features.

G2 Rating


Integrating Sales Enablement Tools into Your Sales Process

Successfully integrating a new sales enablement tool into your sales process requires careful planning and execution. Here are some strategies to ensure a smooth transition and maximize the benefits of your new tool:

Planning for Integration and Adoption

Develop a clear plan for how the tool will be integrated into your existing sales process. This plan should include timelines, training schedules, and metrics for measuring success. Engaging your sales team in the planning process can help build enthusiasm and drive adoption.

Training Your Team on New Tools

Comprehensive training is essential for ensuring your team can fully utilize the new tool. Consider a phased training approach that allows sales reps to gradually build their skills and confidence using the platform.

Measuring Success and Making Adjustments

After implementation, closely monitor the tool's impact on sales performance and team productivity. Be prepared to make adjustments as needed, whether that means additional training, tweaking the integration with other systems, or even re-evaluating the tool's fit for your business.

Ways to Measure Performance of Your Sales Enablement Initiatives

To effectively gauge the impact of sales enablement initiatives, focusing on key performance indicators (KPIs) provides insights into what's working and what needs adjustment. Here are five crucial KPIs sales enablement leaders should track:

Sales Cycle Length

A shorter sales cycle often indicates that sales enablement tools and strategies are effectively streamlining the sales process, allowing teams to close deals faster.

Win Rate

The win rate offers a direct reflection of a sales team's effectiveness. An increase post-implementation of sales enablement initiatives signifies improved sales strategies and tool usage.

Average Deal Size

Tracking changes in the average deal size can reveal whether sales teams are successfully leveraging enablement tools to upsell or cross-sell, thus increasing the revenue per sale.

Sales Rep Productivity

This metric measures how efficiently sales reps are using their time. Improvements post-enablement suggest that reps are spending more time selling and less on administrative tasks, thanks to efficient sales enablement solutions.

Content Usage and Engagement

Understanding how sales teams and prospects engage with sales content can guide the development of more effective materials and strategies, leading to better sales outcomes.

By focusing on these five fundamental KPIs, sales enablement leaders can gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of their strategies, making informed decisions to optimize their sales processes and tools for better performance and outcomes.


As we look towards the future, sales enablement tools will undoubtedly continue to play a pivotal role in shaping successful sales strategies. By carefully selecting, integrating, and leveraging the right tools, businesses can position themselves for sustained growth and success in the competitive landscape of 2024 and beyond.


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Can I change my plan later?
Of course. Our pricing scales with your company. Chat to our friendly team to find a solution that works for you.
What is your cancellation policy?
We understand that things change. You can cancel your plan at any time and we’ll refund you the difference already paid.
Can other info be added to an invoice?
At the moment, the only way to add additional information to invoices is to add the information to the workspace's name.
How does billing work?
Plans are per workspace, not per account. You can upgrade one workspace, and still have any number of free workspaces.
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Shubham Aggarwal Bliro.io
Shubham Aggarwal
Founder's Office, Bliro.io